Boards, Committees and Commissions with open positions

This list is created based on spaces available within the 2023 Town Report and is not necessarily reflective of all updates made since that time. Listings are kept up to date as best as possible, but it is recommended that interested parties contact the Board, Committee or Commission they are interested in for a list of open positions. Listings attached herein should have contact information and an expiration date attached. 

Please bear with us as this page is in development as of 3/19/24

Fire Department:

Fire Fighters

Planning Board:

Alternates (2)

Zoning Board of Adjustment:

Alternates (5)

Garden and Beautification:

Volunteers (7)

Heritage Commission:

Alternates (2)

Historic District Commission:

Regular Members (1) Alternates (5)

Lamson Farm Commission:

Alternates (5)

Patriotic Purposes Committee:

Volunteers (7)

Recreation Committee:

Director (1) Volunteers (7)