Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Mont Vernon Heritage Commission

Public Meeting Minutes September 20, 2022



In Attendance: Rebecca Schwarz, Sarah Beth Ross, Anna Szok, Annette Immorlica, Andrew Stokinger


Seated: Anna Szok, Annette Immorlica, Andrew Stokinger


Absent: Brian Billow, John Morrison, Bill McKinney, Zoe Fimbel,  Howard Brown


Schwarz calls the meeting to order- 7:01pm


Fundraising Subcommittee

Schwarz: We’ve been working on this for over a year now. Typically we try at our events to have something we can monetize for the Heritage Fund. So what we decided this year- this year has not been our best year. The economy has been rough this year and we don't want people to be unable to participate who would like to. So instead we will be doing pioneer rag dolls at Lamson Farm Day at no cost to anyone except ourselves. We will be putting our donation jar out in case someone wants to give a donation, but we didn't want to make the money mandatory.

Immorlica: How do you make them?

Schwarz: The body is made with a piece of muslin, it is tied off in such a way that you have a triangle, you tie off arms, using additional scraps for clothing. We have additional types of cloth so if a girl doesn't want to make a boy doll or vice versa we have the option. What we did is purchase muslin, quilting squares of cotton so the children have choices. We do need to put in for an expense, it was roughly $60. Again, those dolls will be free of charge to anybody who wants to make them. We have enough material to make approximately 50 dolls. Here is my invoice- $52.07.


Ross makes a motion to reimburse Schwarz $52.07 from the Supplies fund, Szok seconds, all in favor, motion passed.


Schwarz: I know Ross asked for everybody’s availability and I know that Szok and McKinney said that they would both be there for the tent set-up. Billow and I will be there at 8:30 for set-up. I did make dolls with my kids to see how difficult it was going to be. Even my 10 year old was struggling, we may need to work on that and build the dolls for the children so they can pick their patterns and clothe them. I will be trying to perfect the technique. Whomever is working the table will probably be having to make these. The basic form is all the same until you have to make legs. I will try to make some more beforehand. Whoever is working the table, we will probably be having to make dolls on site.

Szok: Makes sense.

Immorlica: Is there going to be any information present?

Schwarz: We always have our brochures on hand, and that’s why we always work the table, so that we can provide information. I don't expect us to make too much money here, we’re probably looking at $60ish. I think it's more of an opportunity to give back to the community and keep making connections, which is still where we’re at after all this time. Szok, I know that you have to work for the historical society after us. Stokinger, are you able to take an hour or two? Any time just not 10-11.

Stokinger: Sure, I can take an hour. I haven’t seen the inside yet so I do want to take a look at that.

Szok: Yes, they have restored it with vintage stuff. It's pretty cool.

Ross: Okay, I have our time slots booked out.

Schwarz: Moving on, Stokinger did hold his pub night and this afternoon he was able to donate those $300 collected to the Heritage Commission.

Stokinger: My personal plan is to hold something every month for a different charity, and we got first whack. Next month is going to be a Haunted House on Friday the 28th, with no attached charity as of yet. I don’t have all the necessary decorations yet.

Schwarz: I have plenty, let me know what you’re looking for. I have 12 bottles of fake blood if you need them.

Immorlica: I have some black lights.

Stokinger: Someone had suggested that different groups do different rooms.

Schwarz: Talk to Recreation about it?

Stokinger: Heather said I could reach out and talk to her after Lamson Farm Day.


Advertising and Social Media

Stokinger: I’ve found out that I cannot advertise for a government entity. So I started a few extra pages without affiliation. I can put in some more effort if the group wants.

Immorlica: I didn't actually know you were making these, how are you telling people about these

Stokinger: That’s the point, I’ve started the drafts so everyone can take a look.

Schwarz: Yes, so everyone if you could go ahead and take a look and bring some feedback.

Stokinger: I’ll put up the donation link. Is there an easier one?

Ross: There’s a QR code.

Schwarz: Yes, that's true.

Stokinger: We printed that out for the pub night! Can we set up a MVHC Venmo?

Schwarz: That is very highly frowned upon.

Immorlica: I thought we voted at the town meeting to have the Heritage Commission accept monies?

Schwarz: We can accept money, but it’s still held in town controlled accounts. We don't have a treasurer here that has access to an account. It’s still has to be accounted for-

Immorlica: They didn’t fold it into the town?

Schwarz: No, they did not, because we don't have access to our bank account, Joan does. All accounting needs to come through this office. We can’t have our own checkbook. When we wanted to be able to take credit cards the only method allowed was through EB2Gov, which is what the clerk uses.

Stokinger: Whose decision was that?

Schwarz: The Selectmen’s and in adherence to the RSA.

Immorlica: I think that's probably a good idea for money security.

Stokinger: The reason I ask is that the library did a really great fundraiser and all of the funds went through the web and people could watch it.

Schwarz: We can do reporting, we haven't in the past because EB2Gov can be a bit particular.

Immorlica: The thing is that they’re going to a 501C3 and we’re a municipality.

Stokinger: Is it possible to make our own 501C3?

Schwarz: Ideally yes, but it seems less likely right now.

Stokinger: Could we have our own event where we took a tour of this building and took some videos? Spoke about the history?

Schwarz: Szok is currently working on a working history of it, but yes!

Szok: We could get into the tower and take a look at the view.

Immorlica: I think it would be nice to go up into the tower, but I do think it's a liability.

Schwarz: It is a liability. When you go up those stairs to begin with. There are multiple hazards in the route to get up the stairs.

Stokinger: We should put a video of it up on the site. 

Szok: I think a clock winding video would be awesome

Stokinger: So there's a nice fun team building event for us.

Immorlica: I think it would be really fun if we could see a video of the clock winding.


Immorlica makes a motion to accept minutes, Stokinger seconds, all in favor, motion passed



Schwarz: There was one other thing I wanted to show you guys.

Ross: The calendar?

Schwarz: Yes! The calendar! Last year we brought in $680ish. We hand delivered them last year. How many did we sell?

Ross: I think it was around 32?

Schwarz: Okay, and last year we could only get one proof and went through a ridiculously expensive company. This year we are choosing a different printer. Our previous company didn't do any touch ups, some of the pictures were pixelated or grainy. It was not a great experience. The wholesale rate here is significantly better and they have a solid shipping plan. The last ones didn't even have the hanging hole.

Immorlica: I did want to ask, did we ever get the Conditions Assessment?

Schwarz: Yes, per last month’s meeting we couldn't release the findings yet until it was approved.

Immorlica: Do we need permission from the selectmen to go to the tower? Do they get our minutes?

Schwarz: Yes, they’re on the website. No, we can tell them, but we don't need permission.

Immorlica: Someone could sue the town if they fell down. You need to let the selectmen know what we’re doing.

Schwarz: I will let them know if that makes you more comfortable.



Ross makes a motion to adjourn, Stokinger seconds, all in favor, motion passed


Meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm


Next meeting: October 13, 2022


Respectfully Submitted,


Sarah Beth Ross

