Heritage Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Heritage Commission Meeting December 8, 2022

In Attendance: Becci Schwarz, Brian Billow, Sarah Beth Ross, Anna Szok, Annette Immorlica

Absent: Zoe Fimbel, Bill McKinney, Andrew Stokinger, Howard Brown

Community Members Present: Jessica Pomeroy


Meeting Called to Order at 7:01pm


Conditions Assessment Update

Speaker: Schwarz

Spoke to Beverly Thomas with Preservation alliance, they do have the updates back from the architect. It is confirmed that it will be on their agenda, NHPA will meet and hopefully approve it at the end of this Month (December). Upon approval it can be presented to the Mont Vernon community public at large.  

*Last month we started the discussion on the second step Feasibility Study proposal from Tracy Kozak, the architect we are using. While the feasibility study proposal was discussed a vote did not take place. 

*DPW reviewed the proposal and felt it was competitively priced.

* It has been reported by a community member that the dividing wall currently in the building separating the office from the meeting room on the first floor was not original to the building. Making the current wall a non-load bearing wall, this being the explanation of the Lally columns used in both rooms.  As told by memory of his mother having worked in the building as a town secretary. Town office use came about around 1977. 

Ross made a motion to sign the Feasibility Study contract in the amount of $17,930 with Arcove Architects LLC. Billow seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

 An effort will be made to find grants to cover the cost. As it stands HC has $50,000 in the Heritage Fund available to cover the cost if grants are unobtainable. 

Comments: Immorlica- How did we get this Architect? And did we look elsewhere for other possible architects?

Schwarz:  The current architect was recommended through the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance. Initial quote included: Condition assessment, feasibility study, drawings. Quote was initially made as a whole in the amount of $55,000. We asked the architect to break it down into 3 phases. To start new with another architect would cost more money in the long run as HC has already spent money thus far with the current firm. If we start from scratch all over that is, new expenses stacked onto what has been spent thus far results in more money.

 Fundraising Subcommittee: 

Allows people the ability to be part of fundraising without having to be on the HC.  

Calendars Update

Schwarz: HC ordered 50 calendars, all 50 sold. $1,000 Profit in sales went into HC fund.

17 calendars need to be hand delivered; the rest were picked up in person at the town office. Ross and Immorlica volunteered to hand deliver to those who did not stop in so that all calendars would be dispersed before Christmas. 

*Craft Day/Night Christmas Ornament up-date

*Craft night was held December 1, 2022 @ 7pm Town Hall Meeting room 

& December 3, 2022 @10am Town Hall Meeting room.

Schwarz: Both days were a complete success. Some people donated extra, and one attendee purchased all of the leftover kits a week later. 100% sold out of craft kits. A really great community end of year event. Helps spread awareness of HC.

People expressed a strong interest in this event being put on again in the future. Possible future idea, a different ornament will be created using a similar technique used at craft night. 

$285 from both craft days combined.

Additional kits sold after the event brining the Grand total to $385

Ideas about Valentine’s Day raffle presented by a community member. 

Historic Resources Subcommittee

Szok, as head of our Historic Resources Subcommittee, along with Schwarz met with Brandy Loughlin who is the contact liaison through the NH Division of NH Resources. Loughlin acts as coordinator for the Certified Local Government program. We went over grants they offer and went over application dates.

Szok: They will send someone out and do the survey for the town. Zero cost to the town.  Survey of but not limited to the following- historical district- barns- buildings- mills- town wide broken down into parts to execute effectively and in a timely manner. 

Grant application: National Endowment for Humanities, Sustaining cultural heritage grant  

Schwarz: A grant application is in the works in the amount of $350,000 for structural repairs and stabilization of the building. Outcome will be made known at the end of August 2023.  Application deadline is January.  Effort is being made to submit in advance for review, and feedback. 


Schwarz: Expenses from the previous Month of November from Craft day/night. $88.23 for craft supplies

Ross makes a motion to expense reimbursement in the amount of $88.23 for craft supplies, Billow seconds, all in favor, motion passed.


Billow motions to accept minutes as written, Schwarz seconds, all in favor, motion passed.

Mail and Announcements

Resignation: John Morrison has sent in his resignation as alternate via Email.

Ross makes a motion to fill the alternate slot with Jessica Pomery, Billow seconds, all in favor, motion passed.

Resignation: Ross steps down as Secretary and full member. Ross seated.

Alternate position swap with Jessica Pomeroy.

Sarah Beth Ross is appreciated by all on the HC commission for the time she has served on HC as secretary!

Ross makes the motion to seat Jessica Pomeroy as the HC secretary, Billow seconds the motion. All in favor, motion passed.

Jessica Pomeroy takes the position as Secretary.

Warrant Article

The Warrant Article will be presented in the amount of $50,000 to create a  non-lapsing fund to be used for grant match dollars for the stabilization of the building as it stands.  

Final Step of plan: Handicap access needs to be added to the front of the building as it is against the ADA law to send people who require a ramp or lift around to the back of the building. Second Story also needs access.

Grant Money is only available to rehabilitate an old building.  Grant Money is NOT available to Renovate and repurpose. The town will have to pay the cost of renovation and repurposing of the building when the time comes. (i.e. ramps)

Town Hall has 20 years as it stands before rehabilitation is no longer an option, at which point the town will be looking at building a new building, purchasing land etc.… to house town offices and town operations.  

The Heritage Commission’s job is to rehabilitate the building, NOT renovate.

Goal with the Warrant article is to use it as match dollars for future grants.

Grant Money exists for the ADA compliance of the building.

Priority is stabilization of the building.

Ross made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Billow seconds, meeting adjourned at 8:03pm.


Next Meeting: February 9, 2023

Respectfully Submitted,

Jessica Pomeroy
