Selectmen's Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 3, 2022

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

January 3, 2022



7:00 PM Meeting called to order by Selectboard Chairman, John Esposito. Also in attendance were Selectmen Howard Brown and Tim Berry and minute taker, Laurie Brown.


Esposito led the meeting in the pledge of allegiance.


Bonnie Angulas would like to resurrect the Town CIP (Capital Improvements Plan). She has spoken to the Planning Board Chairman, Jim Bird, and feels that it would benefit both the library and town hall projects. It would be a roadmap as to whose project should be up next. Without this, we will continue to butt heads. It would serve as a tool to the taxpayers so they can anticipate things. She asked if the Selectmen would consider updating the CIP.

Esposito said that she had a good point, and that the Board would look into it.

H. Brown felt that it was a great idea.

Berry explained that the Planning Board spent 2 years working on the Wetlands Ordinance. The Facilities Chapter of the Master Plan got done 2 years ago.

Rebecca Schwarz offered that the Land Use chapter was done just before that.

Berry said that the Planning Board meets twice a month, and they work for the whole meeting time.


Schwarz asked the Selectboard to take some action and respond to Sheila Clegg’s complaint regarding the camper parked at 3 Temple Street. The Rands own the camper and store it on the Rand’s property. Clegg says it ids very close to the property line, and she has complained, in writing to the Town more than once. It turns out that the Historic District has only got purview over permanent structures, and there are no Town Ordinances regarding campers.

Esposito suggested a letter to the Rands asking them, as a courtesy, to bring the camper back to their own property since the neighbors have been complaining.

H. Brown asked if it could be moved forward or in such a way as to not block Clegg’s view.

Schwarz said that the Carvers allowed them to install a pad for the camper and probably wouldn’t be willing to move everything.


H. Brown let the Board know that the budget committee has been talking about the Town needing a grant writer. How feasible is it for us to have a Town grant writer?

Schwarz said that she would be happy to help with that.

H. Brown asked how we would know which ones to go after.

Schwarz said: “All of them”.


Board decided, acting on a suggestion from the Emergency Manager, to reinstate the mask mandate for all Town offices.

Eileen Naber would like to see it on the website.

L. Brown will post it tomorrow.


Board decided to have the Public Hearing on the budget and warrant articles on Tuesday, February 1st with a weather date of February 2nd. There will be no meeting on January 31st unless necessary.


Esposito said that he will get the costs of changing fire alarm systems at the JLMC meeting next Wednesday.

Berry feels that, since NH went to the 10-digit phone numbers, the website should follow suit, and 603 should be added to all of the phone numbers published.


Board reviewed the minutes of December 27, 2021. Berry motioned, seconded by H. Brown, to accept the minutes of December 27, 2021 as written. All in favor.


H. Brown let the Board know of some of the things that were brought up during the last budget committee meeting: Needs Assessment for all departments, Capital Reserve for DPW maintenance and equipment, keep the Transfer Station open more hours between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, and to install a sidewalk between Main Street and the new street to the proposed library.

Berry said that some of the people on the budget committee should be appointed to the CIP.





8:10 PM As there was no further business before the Board, Berry motioned seconded by H. Brown to adjourn.

All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,


Laurie Brown