Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 18, 2021

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2021



7:00 PM Meeting called to order by Selectboard Chairman, John Esposito. Also in attendance were Selectmen Howard Brown and Tim Berry and minute taker, Laurie Brown.

Esposito led the meeting in the pledge of allegiance.


Esposito stated that budgets were due to the office last Friday. He urged the department heads to turn theirs in.

There was a discussion about COLA coming in at 5.9%. Board agreed to use 6% for the employee raise number for the 2022 budget. Esposito said that we have always tried to give the COLA amount, even when it was much less than this year. Even though we have had 2 years when no raise was given, not one employee complained.


Eileen Naber asked if the agendas could be posted more consistently. Board agreed.

Esposito said that Thursday has been the cut-off date for the next week’s agenda.


Board reviewed minutes of October 4, 2021. Berry motioned, seconded by H. Brown to accept the minutes of October 4, 2021 as amended. All in favor.

Board reviewed non-public minutes of October 4, 2021. Berry motioned, seconded by H. Brown to accept the non-public minutes of October 4, 2021 as written. All in favor.

Berry motioned, seconded by H. Brown to seal the non-public minutes of October 4, 2021 as written. All in favor.


7:15 PM Department Head Meeting

Jay Wilson – Fire Chief

Still waiting for the 3M tanker tank. Looks like December for the install. If we can’t get it done this year, can we encumber the funds?

L. Brown said that the funds can be encumbered as long as we have a firm quote or invoice.

Esposito asked about the bill for radios in this week’s manifest.

Wilson said that it is the regular replacement of out-of-date radios that they do every year as long as the budget allows.

Berry asked about the bad news they got regarding not getting the grant for the SCBA equipment.

Wilson said that they don’t have any feedback to give the Board yet.

Berry asked if we will be forced to purchase our equipment anyway – without the grant.

Wilson said yes, in 2024 if we don’t get a grant before then. Also, we could Lease/Purchase them to spread the cost out over several years.

Berry asked if they were just not granting money to “On Call” Departments.

Wilson said that he doesn’t have that information yet.

Esposito asked if they could be rehabbed.

Wilson said no.

H. Brown asked how many sets we have and need.

Wilson said 17; the number of seats on the apparatus. Everyone has their own mask, though.

H. Brown asked what happens if one gets damaged during its useful life.

Wilson explained that it is repaired.

Esposito asked if we could break the purchase into thirds.

Wilson said that they are all expiring at the same time and also, we would get three different models that way. The guys may get confused on how they work. The best way is to lease/purchase the whole thing.

Esposito said that Wilson should establish a capitol reserve for the next time they need to be purchased.

Bonnie Angulas asked if they could only apply for the grant once a year and was told; yes.

Mark Slavin – Interim Police Chief

Wanted to thank Crosby for getting Rte. #13 closed when we had the mule/donkey escapees.

10/23/21 is Drug Take Back Day sponsored by the DEA. It runs from 10am to 2pm. This is for prescription drugs only – no illegal drugs.

Heather Kennedy asked if the 23rd was the only day to drop off drugs.

Slavin said that drugs can be dropped off year-round, but that the DEA sponsors that particular day.

18 cars were broken into. We worked closely with other agencies and have a warrant pending.

½ of our officers used their own money to purchase pink badge to raise money for breast cancer research.

Corporal O’Keefe identified 5 streetlights that were out and contacted Eversource. 3 have been fixed.

Esposito said that walkers / joggers should be encouraged to wear reflective clothing.

Berry asked Slavin if he could put it on social media, and Slavin agreed.


Heather Kennedy – Recreation Director

Halloween is on its way. Candy collection is going fairly well

Ski Club – will have more information as it gets closer.

Exerciser class continues in the morning.

Tree Lighting – do we do it inside and outside or should we have a threshold of case numbers to trigger a different kind of event? There are a number of things being planned for that night.

Berry said that he supports Halloween with certain guidelines; I will support Tree Lighting the same way. There is a chili cookoff planned along with a Heritage Commission walk through the Historic District.

Esposito said that most of Tree Lighting is outside anyway – let’s plan for a normal Tree Lighting, and if we have to limit it to all outside or something else, we can adapt. Where will Santa be?

Kennedy said that maybe Santa could be up on something like a sleigh so that the kids can still get a picture, but no one will be on Santas lap. We will use the State’s case #s from November 1 to November 30th.

She is trying to start an Email contact list, mostly for the homes in the Village, for Town events only.


Bonnie Angulas – Library Director

The Charitable Foundation hosted a golf tournament in Jason Darula’s name and raised $25,000 for the library project.

Hosting a Halloween Story Time on 10/28 at 1:00pm.

The Halloween Story Walk around the pond continues.

The Friends of the Library spent $500 on treats for Halloween.

There is a Halloween Wedding theme at the library.

Candy collection is average for about now.

The Library Trustees thanked Jill Weber for all of her help and welcomed Amy White to their ranks.

The budget will, hopefully, be approved this week.

New Hampton and Peterborough libraries have opened. New Hampton’s is approx. our sized and cost $4 Million.


Ben Crosby – DPW Director

The F550 is in the shop. Hopefully it will turn out to be the solenoid; the power train is still under warrantee.

Road grading is still in progress.

Short-handed; have two people out.

Have had no luck on the transfer station position posting. Mike Buskey is willing to come back as of 11/2/21.

The loader is a 2003 – 19 years old next year. Looking at a replacement.

Berry asked how big, and how much.

Crosby said:  a 2.5-yard bucket in the vicinity of $160K/$200K.

Berry asked how many years on the loan, and was told 7.

Esposito said the Board would look at the numbers, and that 19 years was pretty good to get out of a loader.


Berry asked if there will be any calcium left for pre-treating the roads after all the rolling is done.

Crosby said 1 full load; a tank and a half or so.

Library road project – list of candidates for the RFP sent to Spencer Tate at Meridian.

Esposito reminded Crosby to add money for a new cement pad for the new compactor.

There was a problem with construction debris being put in the open-top. New sign says: Bulky Furniture Only.

Esposito said that Wheelabrator was the one who complained, there were some dimensional lumber in there.


8:00 PM End of Department Head Meeting

Rebecca Schwarz came before the Board with a motion needed for the Moose Plate Grant that she is applying for to benefit the Town Hall project:

Esposito: “I will take a motion”: Grant #MP21-03 The Grantee agrees to accept $10,000 and apply it to the project(s) described in the grant application and approved budget referenced above. In the performance of this grant agreement the Grantee is in all respects an independent contractor and is neither an agent nor employee of the State. As required by the Conservation License Plate Grant Program and the DHR, Grantee agrees to prominently place a DHR provided grant information sign on site or within the community throughout the project funded by this grant, and to acknowledge support of the DHR and the4 Conservation License Plate Program on any materials promoting the project.

Berry: “So moved,”

H. Brown: “Seconded”

All in favor. Schwarz had Esposito sign the agreement.


Schwarz asked for permission for the Heritage Commission to go over the Dues/Subscription budget line by $50.

They want to sign up for access to over 24 million grants that are available. Right now, their subscription costs $200 / year and gets them access to 22,000 grants, most of which are not for municipalities.

Berry explained that these grants are such that municipalities would not readily be available to apply for. We need to expand our access to any money available.

Schwarz said that UNH uses this subscription for their grant writing.

H. Brown motioned, seconded by Berry to allow the Heritage Commission to subscribe to this grant program, and overrun the Dues/Subscription line by $50. All in favor.


8:10 PM H. Brown motioned, seconded by Berry to go into non-public to discuss a personnel issue. All in favor.
8:30 PM Berry motioned, seconded by H. Brown to come out of non-public session. A personnel issue was discussed.


Esposito will talk to Lou Springer about the timber cut/tax on the cemetery/library land.


8:45 PM As there was no further business before the Board, Berry motioned seconded by H. Brown to adjourn.

All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Brown