Meeting Minutes 4/14/22

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Mont Vernon Heritage Commission

Public Meeting Minutes April 14, 2022



In Attendance: Rebecca Schwarz, Brian Billow, Zoe Fimbel, Anna Szok, Howard Brown, Sarah Beth Ross (late). Community members: Annette Immorlica, Andrew Stokinger


Absent: John Morrison, Bill McKinney


Called to Order: 7:02pm


Schwarz calls the meeting to order and introduces the new Selectmen’s Rep Howard Brown. States that Brown also sits on the Historic District Commission with Schwarz so she has experience working with him. Schwarz invites Brown to introduce himself. Brown states he and his family moved to town 22 years ago. He began volunteering right away as a cubmaster for 5 years and the Mont Vernon School Board for 3 before moving on to the Souhegan School Board for 9 years, as well as the Budget Committee for 5 years.


Schwarz explains that Ross is in attendance at the Kindergarten Information Session at MVVS so she will be late this evening and Schwarz will be taking minutes in her place. Because Ross will not be in attendance until about 7:30-7:45 Schwarz will delay the officer elections until Ross is present.


Spring Gala Planning: The theme is “Bloom Where you are Planted”. The Fundraising Subcommittee has attended the Recreation Department’s planning meetings and has chosen to go with a Butterfly Tea Party theme. We have purchased Butterfly Pea Flower Tea which is a pretty blue color and we will be providing little boxes of tea sandwiches/cookies etc. Schwarz hands out the budget spreadsheet created by Ross and states that while we have budgeted these items, we really would like to get as much donated as possible for the sake of our annual budget. The idea is that each purchase will include two cups of iced tea, and a box of tea sandwiches etc for 2. Schwarz states that she has purchased and will donate the supplies to make large tissue paper flowers that she would like to decorate the tent with. Schwarz’s daughter (a prospective art student) has volunteered to paint a picture to be raffled off as well. Billow states he will provide lemonade as an alternative to tea. Szok asks how much we are selling the items for. Schwarz states the items will be sold for $10. The glasses are 16oz glasses and the box will include tea party foods for two people. People can purchase just tea or just food also if they choose. Billow asks if we are still doing sun tea. Schwarz responds that we did away with the sun tea idea. She explains that originally the Fundraising Subcommittee thought the idea was going to be space themed and we wanted to do a “Galactic Tea Party” with Sun and Moon Tea (Butterfly Pea Flower Tea is used to make Moon Tea). We’ve decided not to have three beverages just to save on the cost. Schwarz explains that as it is, the expense from this event will eat up a third of our annual budget, hence the reason we are hoping for donations. Schwarz states that also during the event we will need Commission members onsite to help set up and work the booth etc. She states she’d like each member to work approximately two hours. If we are not able to staff the booth fully with our own members Schwarz will reach out to the High School for Volunteer Hours. Brown asks what the date is and Schwarz replies May 21. Immorlica asks if there is written material about the Heritage Commission that will be handed out, or will we just be selling items to raise funds. Schwarz shares the brochure that is handed out at each Heritage Commission event and states we have reusable shopping bags and bumper stickers to give out as well. The other thing discussed was the sale of “Mont Vernon” themed signs. Billow has been breaking down pallets on his property to be used for this purpose, and we have been planning a Team Building day for the Commission to get together and paint the signs and enjoy eachothers company. Schwarz states that Ray Lyons has offered to donate hardwood “discs” with which to create signs. The only date that everyone was available at this time was May 7. Brown asks how big are the signs and Billow states the regular size pallet boards and Schwarz is unsure of the diameter of the discs offered by Lyons. Szok states she can make origami butterflies to aid in decor and Schwarz states she would love that. Brown asks if we are just putting out tables or will we have tents as well. Schwarz states that we hope to have tents to set ourselves up under, but not for seating. Immorlica asks if the event will be moved to the school if it rains and Schwarz states there has been no guidance on that. Billow states he is available for set up and tear down. Schwarz states she will be present the whole time Ross states that Schwarz should not do it all herself and Schwarz states that members will be helping and she won't be alone. Brown states he will provide cookies. Schwarz is providing petit fours and she will make the cucumber sandwiches. Ross will make the egg salad sandwiches. Szok asks if she can just provide cash to purchase the paper products needed and Schwarz states that would be great. Schwarz asks if anyone else is able to donate time. Immorlica states if she is appointed to the Commission she will volunteer to sit at the tables. She states Ross will be at the Pancake Breakfast as a member of the Fire Department so she will be unavailable for set up etc. Brown states he will be around. Szok asked what time we need to be available. Schwarz believes the event will really kick off on the green around 11:30, so she would like for us to be setting up and preparing around 9:30. Immorlica states the food will need to be preserved and Schwarz states we have coolers. Immorlica asks how much the Commission is hoping to make. Schwarz states we have not participated in the Gala before so we cannot accurately project what we will earn, but we know that in order to break even we need to make at least $220 to break even. Schwarz thinks it's a fair assumption that we will make $500 total, but again that is just a guess. 


Architectural Site Walk: Schwarz quickly explains what this is for community members in attendance that may not be aware of the plan. The architect is due for her first visit on Tuesday. Immorlica asks if this project was put out to bid and Schwarz states no. The architect was hired through her association with the NHPA and the fact that she is a dedicated Preservation Architect. Schwarz states that this is the first in a multi step project, including a Condition Assessment, Needs Assessment, and then drawings which will likely be the first step that will require a bidding process. Schwarz states that future drawings will be based heavily on the original CP Williams drawings, but that there were some inadequacies with that plan, specifically that it attempts to use the basement for storage, but there is no basement in the Town Hall. This would require either digging under the building which would likely require blasting, or raising the building, which we do not want to risk. Other inadequacies include the absence of fire suppression in the plans and the proposed elevator would impact the belfry etc. Schwarz states the major components of the plan are still in play, including making the whole first floor office space and including a full central hallway and making the upstairs a meeting room again. The DEW plan included a lift, and that is what we would like to continue with for as little disruption as possible. Immorlica asks if the architect is looking to plan a layout and Schwarz states not at this time. Immorlica states her only concern is regarding a Town Administrator and what needs they may find for the building. Schwarz states that this project will be so spread out that the new Administrator would have plenty of time for input, besides the fact that the architect has offered three public meeting sessions for community input once we reach that stage. Immorlica asks if the walk through will be conducted alone and Schwarz states that Ben Crosby from the DPW will be present as well as Schwarz and our former Selectmen’s Rep was invited, she states that Brown may attend in his place. Szok states that she would like to attend and Schwarz states we need to be careful how many Commission members are in attendance because any more than 3 will be considered a meeting and will need to be posted and have minutes taken. Immorlica states she would like to see one of the Selectmen present. Brown states he would like to attend and Schwarz states she will update him when the appointment is finalized. 


Window Project: Preliminary quote on the regular windows has come in. This does not include the storm windows. Ross asks, are we talking aluminum windows or wood? Schwarz states he is going to quote both options for the storm windows when that quote comes in. LCHIP has stated that they would prefer it to be wood if it is cost effective. Our concern is that a lot of times with wood storms they would need to be removed and stored for the winter and we do not want to have to do that, so if that is not an option we may be forced to go with aluminum. Howard states that the Selectmen would also prefer to have wood so long as they were permanently hung and fully functional. Stokinger asks how many windows there are and Schwarz states 23 in the entire building, although downstairs are the only ones we really care to have functional. Immorlica states that the thing about wood windows is that they require maintenance whereas aluminum is cheaper and requires less maintenance. Schwarz states that the wood windows are made out of Acoya wood and are somehow treated in a special way that makes them 50 year windows. Stokinger discusses some windows that he has on his property and asks if they would be helpful to the glass drive. Schwarz states that yes, for the contractor to provide us with replacement glass we have been quoted $20 sq/ft. If we collect our own glass they will use that first and if there is extra they will possibly even buy it from us. Pane size does not particularly matter because they can cut it down to size, but age is the most important factor. Schwarz states that Berry had stated previously that he had recently taken 20 panes of glass out of a window he was restoring and 7 broke. Any time you are restoring these old windows there will be breaks and glass will need to be replaced. Brown states he has glass available to donate. Ross states we can have a glass drive and Schwarz states we are having a glass drive. Berry has glass at his home that he has already picked up. Schwarz has spoken with several community members who have glass available to donate and Schwarz has spoken with Ben Crosby of the DPW for access to storage for the glass. He will be clearing out the building next to the Transfer Station for us to use. Schwarz would like to set up specific dates where we will man that garage and allow residents to drop off their donated glass on their way to the Transfer Station. We are specifically looking for late 1700’s, all 1800’s and very early 1900’s glass. Immorlica asks if we are doing the windows before the architects site walk/conditions assessment and Schwarz states no. The window project is not slated to begin until 2023 and we hope to have the Condition Assessment complete within 8 weeks. Immorlica states she wants to know why we are doing the windows before the foundation is repaired and Schwarz asks what is the foundation issue? Stokinger states that the foundation issue is an if and not a definite and Schwarz responds that with the Window project not beginning until 2023 all the Conditions and Needs Assessment will be complete before the window work begins. If there is an issue that needs to be addressed then we will work to correct it beforehand. Schwarz states that as a founding member of the Heritage Commission, when she originally came in, they were directed by the Selectmen to work to repair the roof. They were then told again by the Selectmen that the next step was to be the windows. This Conditions Assessment, Needs Assessment and Drawings plan is the Commission’s plan, due to the fact that there is no plan in place that anyone can provide that shows clearly what the next step should be. The Commission is working to go about this in an informed and logical manner rather than picking and choosing projects to complete with no rhyme or reason. That is why it looks as if we are going back to the drawing board, because essentially we are. Immorlica states she just wants to make sure we have our steps laid out properly and Schwarz states the Commission does too. 


Public Plan: Schwarz states that Immorlica’s questions have touched on this topic that she wants to discuss because she has had this exact conversation at least three times in the past month. Schwarz states that people still do not know who we are, what we are or why we are. She references a post for historic windows for sale on Facebook in which a Mont Vernon community member stated the Historical Society is doing a glass drive. Schwarz says it's wonderful that they knew about the drive, but that they tagged the wrong group and therefore we may have missed out if we didn’t have Historical Society members on our Commission. This is something we've been struggling with for quite a while. Schwarz states that thankfully Fimbel was already on this post ahead of herself and that Fimbel purchased the glass to donate to our drive so thank you to Zoe Fimbel for her generosity. There is nothing available for public consumption beyond our meeting minutes that explains actually what we are working on or toward as a Commission. Schwarz wonders if we should put something together that we can post on our webpage that describes this process and what it entails and why we are doing it etc. Ross states she will put together a document and send it to the group for placement on the website. Schwarz says sure. 


Town Website/Facebook Page Update: Schwarz states there are no updates.


Historic Resources Survey: Schwarz reached out to a community member that was interested in possibly adding their home to the state register. This is a function of the Commission but we have not had the chance to do that yet. This resident has access to NH Deeds and knows how to use the system, so this would be a great learning opportunity for us. Schwarz states she would like to follow along to learn the process, but that she has asked Szok and Fimbel to take on this project. Brown asks if the Historic District Commission should be involved and Schwarz states that our Historic District Commission is set up to handle architectural changes and this would fall under the responsibilities of the Heritage Commission. Any changes made to the residents home would have to be presented to the Historic District Commission whether they are on the register or not. Any homeowner located within the Historic District looking to make external architectural changes to their home is required to apply to the Historic District Commission. Fimbel asks if Lamson Farm is on the state register and Schwarz replies they are on the National register and she’s not sure if you can do both, but we can look into it. Billow states that practically all of Main Street in Francestown is on the state register and we should look into what they’re doing. 


Certified Local Government: Schwarz states at this time we have turned in everything required and we have been recommended for approval. 


Officer Elections: Schwarz reminds the group that the current panel is Rebecca Schwarz as Chair, Brian Billow as Vice Chair and Sarah Beth Ross as Secretary. 


Ross motions to re-elect the full slate of current officers for the upcoming year, Second by Brown. No further discussion, all in favor, motion passed.


Fundraising Subcommittee: See Spring Gala


Announcements: Schwarz announces the Johanna Favrot Fund for Historic Preservation and the Hart Family Fund for Small Towns both have grant rounds coming up that could cover the Needs Assessment match if we are ready to move forward at that time. They’re both available through the Preservation Leadership Forum which is part of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. In order to apply for this you have to be a member of the Preservation Leadership Forum. This is a $250 annual fee and provides access to more than 1 million dollars in annual funding. Ross asks what our budget is and Schwarz states for Fees Dues and Seminars we have a $1000 budget. Ross asks what about the Foundation Directory Online membership and Schwarz states that that expense was moved to the Selectmen’s Line and that the only possible success she has seen from that site was for the Library. She states she has not gotten any feedback but that she has provided them approximately 30 foundations off of that site to contact and that there are hundreds more available. Brown asks if since Schwarz is the person with access to the site is Schwarz the only one able to reach out and Schwarz states they aren't really even grants, it's Foundations looking to donate and they all have their preferred method of contact listed in their profiles. This is the information that Schwarz has passed along. The website does not want passwords shared, and there is not even functionality to print off a list, but there is no reason that the library cannot contact the Foundations through their preferred methods as Schwarz has provided. Brown asked if Schwarz has been able to do that for any other departments and Schwarz states no. No one has even approached her about it. Immorlica asks if Schwarz is the Town Grant Writer and Schwarz states that she has volunteered to write some grants for the Town because the Heritage Commission and by extension the Town paid for her Grant Writing Certificate. Brown states that the Selectmen took over the cost of the Foundation Website because Schwarz is using that site for the good of the whole Town and not just Heritage Commission purposes. Schwarz states there are a lot of programs available for the Historical Society to take advantage of, and she was just speaking to Fimbel today regarding funds for Lamson Farm. The only issue is that the searches are not able to be printed off and do require going into each individual profile for contact information etc. it’s a lot. Brown says maybe we should just hire you into the town and Schwarz says maybe you should.


Schwarz states we received an email from the Wilton Heritage Commission regarding a Historic New England lecture they are hosting. Historic New England is “the country's oldest, largest and most comprehensive regional heritage organization.”  The lecture is on energy retrofits for historic homes. This event is on Monday, May 9 at 7pm the Wilton Collaborative Space, 25 Gregg St in Wilton. It’s free and they have invited us to come and also to invite our community members to attend. Schwarz states that in reviewing the Wilton Heritage Commission’s website, she found that they have a Historical Marker program. They are selling the markers themselves as a fundraiser. There is an application approval process etc but that is headed up by their Heritage Commission. Schwarz states that she just saw this today so she doesn’t have a whole lot of information on it but she wonders if that's something our Commission would like to look into. Stokinger asks if all the markers would look the same and Schwarz states yes. Fimbel asks if it is a plaque and Schwarz states yes, if we went through the national program it would be a metal “sign” historical marker. Immorlica asks if we expect all the historic houses to get added to the register and Schwarz says no. Immorlica asks will we be going door to door inviting them and Schwarz says no, this is a service we can offer through the Historic Resources Subcommittee which is currently Szok and Fimbel and is in need of a third member. Fimbel states we have not begun this yet. Billow said he would like to take point on the Historic Marker Program. 


Schwarz states that at this time we have a full panel of regular members. Last month we received a resignation from alternate Randy Wilson who just doesn't have time available to commit. This leaves us with two open alternate positions. We have two prospective alternates this evening to see if they are interested in joining us. Immorlica asks what our make up is and Schwarz replies 5 regular members and 5 alternates. Schwarz asks each prospective member what brings them to us, what they hope to bring to the table and what they hope to get out of the Commission. Immorlica states she has been out of the community for a while and she’d like to get back in. She states she really cares about the Town Hall Building. Stokinger states he just moved to Town and he has time to commit. He lives in an old house and is interested in preserving history. Fimbel asks if the prospective members always enjoyed history and heritage. Immorlica states that she’s not necessarily a historically minded person, but she is of a mind to have all projects go in an orderly fashion and she thinks she can help out in that area. Stokinger states he is specifically into preserving his old home to its original state. He’s not very interested in the fundraising aspect. Schwarz states fundraising is a large part of what we do, but there are other areas where we need support. Stokinger asks how often we meet and Schwarz explains the meeting schedule. Stokinger asks if the meetings are always 7pm or later and Schwarz replies yes. Ross states the meeting should never go past 8 and Schwarz says that's not true, we typically finish by 8 but there is no set rule as to what time they end. This is very late for us, but we had a lot to go over this time and a lot to explain to prospective members. Schwarz asks the Commission would they like to release the prospective members or are they comfortable voting without further discussion. The Commission states they are comfortable proceeding.


Ross motions to put forth Immorlica and Stokinger to the Board of Selectmen for appointment to the Heritage Commission as alternates, second by Brown. No further discussion, all in favor. Motion passed. 


Meeting Minutes:


Billow motions to accept the March 10 meeting minutes with amendments, second by Brown. No further discussion, all in favor. Motion passed.


Ross motions to adjourn


Meeting Adjourned: 9:08pm


Next meeting: May 12, 2022


Respectfully Submitted,


Rebecca Schwarz 

